air amplifierAir Nozzles For Blow-Off and Blow Gun Applications


Product Overview

  • Models
    Air Nozzles, Air Amplifying Nozzles, Air, Blow-Off, Blow Gun, Nex Flow

    Model 47001 Air Nozzle - is a small brass nozzle to fit into small spots and used by many machine builders for blow-off applications.

    Micro Air Nozzle - The Model 49001 Nex Flow™ brass nozzle is a Micro Air Nozzle for blowoff.


    Air Nozzles, Air Amplifying Nozzles, Air, Blow-Off, Blow Gun, Nex Flow

    Model 47002 Air Nozzle- is the brass nozzle added to a copper tube.

    Machine builders can bend the copper tube and aim the nozzles to where ever it suits. The copper tube is simply press fit into the customer's system.


    Air Nozzles, Air Amplifying Nozzles, Air, Blow-Off, Blow Gun, Nex Flow

    Model 47003 (anodized aluminum) Model 47003S (303/304 stainless steel) and Model 47003S-316L (316L stainless steel) Air Nozzle

    This is a common standard strength nozzle with a 1/8” male NPT connection and ideal for most blow-off applications involving liquids.


    Air Nozzles, Air Amplifying Nozzles, Air, Blow-Off, Blow Gun, Nex Flow

    Model 47004 (anodized aluminum) Model 47004S (303/304 stainless steel) and Model 47004S-316L (316L stainless steel) Air Nozzle

    This strong force nozzles with a 1/4" male NPT connection and ideal for most blow-off applications involving liquids and even light weight parts.

    Air Nozzles, Air Amplifying Nozzles, Air, Blow-Off, Blow Gun, Nex Flow

    Model 47009 (anodized aluminum) Model 47009S (303/304 stainless steel) and Model 47009S-316L (316L stainless steel) Air Nozzle

    These air nozzles are adjustable. The superior design of the adjustable set screw is made to adjust the nozzles within its weakest and strongest ranges.


    Air Nozzles, Air Amplifying Nozzles, Air, Blow-Off, Blow Gun, Nex Flow

    Model 47010 Air Nozzle

    Extremely powerful. It has a 1/4" female NPT fitting and is fully anodized for long life. With the "coanda" profile you get an extremely strong force at a distance. This is an ideal Nozzle for blow guns and for blowing small parts for part ejection heavier viscosity liquids. The 47010 is a higher force Nozzle but has less distance for laminar flow than the 47004. Use the Model 47004 is greater distance required from the Nozzle.

    Accessories for Air Nozzles

    Nex Flow™ Rigid Flex Hose is an all stainless steel hose that does not break after a few bends like competitive rubber hoses with simple copper inserts. It is resistant to creep and crimping.
    High quality stainless steel swivel fittings for air nozzles, air jets, small air knives, and air amplifiers allow for a 25 degree movement from the center axis (50 degree total movement) to aim then secure in position the blow-off application.
    Nex Flow™ Manifolds are a convenient way to mount rows of multiple nozzles, air jets and other small blow off products to dry, clean or cool wider surfaces. Come complete with mounting holes.


How They Work


Air nozzles - Models 47001, 47002, 47003, 47003S, 47003S-316L, 47004,47004S-47004S-316L, 47009, 47009S, 47009S-316L - Compressed air enters at point (A). Surrounding air (B) is entrained over a specially designed profile surface by the action of the small amount of compressed air leaving the ring gap at point (C). This results in a concentrated high velocity, laminar flow stream of amplified air with maximized force.




Air Consuption @ 80 psig
Force in ounces
Force in grams
47001 - Brass Mini-Nozzle with 10/32 fitting or metric equivalent
47002 - Brass Mini-Nozzle with copper tube - male
47003 - Standard Aluminum 1/8" NPT male fitting
47004 - Extra Strong Aluminum 1/4" NPT male fitting
47009 - Adjustable Aluminum nozzle with 1/8" male NPT fitting - can be set to minimum and maximum with set screw

Maximum 24.0

Minimum 13.0

Maximum 23.0

Minimum 13.0



47010 - X-stream Strong Force nozzle with 1/4" female NPT fitting



  • Part cleaning
  • Chip removal
  • Part drying
  • Liquid blowoff
  • Part cooling
  • Material conveying
  • Part ejection
  • Fiber conveying
  • Air assist


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